Rockstar/The Creepy Weepy Dollhouse

Illustration by Camilla Franklin

Illustration by Camilla Franklin

In“The Creepy Weepy Dollhouse” by a kid from North Carolina named Emery, a girl named Sally keeps getting told,“ Don't go into the Creepy Weepy Dollhouse!” Then, later in the story, just when you least expect it, Sally finally---well, we won't spoil it for you because we want to keep you in…suspense!!

Listen to the episode then scroll down for an Activity Guide for your own suspenseful stories!! Want more activities from Story Pirates this summer featuring Random House Children’s Book authors? Our Story Pirates After School registration is now open!


In“The Creepy Weepy Dollhouse” by a kid from North Carolina named Emery, a girl named Sally keeps getting told,“ Don't go into the Creepy Weepy Dollhouse!”Then, later in the story, just when you least expect it, Sally finally---well, we won't spoil it for you because we want to keep you in…suspense!! Download the Activity Guide to work on your own suspenseful story writing!